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Urological Clinic Munich-Planegg

Outpatient surgery

Outpatient surgery is a modern treatment concept that is particularly patient-oriented.
It means that you are able to spend both the night preceding and the night directly after the procedure in your own home. As a rule, you are admitted to our day clinic in the morning and discharged in the afternoon.

Outpatient surgery – thoroughly contemporary

There are many urological operations performed nowadays that no longer require patients to remain in hospital for extended periods.
Advances in medical science coupled with refinements in surgical techniques and constant improvements in the methods of anaesthesia available now make it possible to conduct operations on an outpatient basis that used to require more lengthy stays in a clinic.

The range of available outpatient operations is expanding constantly. After surgery, you are more mobile than generally assumed, and your recovery in your own home is generally speedy and without any complications.
The levels of-psychological stress experienced by patients is also considerably lower, especially with children and older people.

At our clinic, great emphasis is placed on the field of outpatient surgery.

Our day clinic complies with high medical standards and is equipped with modern facilities. The surgeon is supported by skilled nursing staff and experienced anaesthetists.
We only perform surgical procedures on an outpatient basis when we can be sure that it will not cause any increased risk to you/your child.
Legal regulations, in particular the quality guidelines of the German Agency for Quality in Medicine (ÄZQ) and the Federal Association of Outpatient Surgery (BAO) constitute our basic conditions.

Our goal is to offer you the highest possible quality of care in a pleasant atmosphere.
If you have any questions following your surgery, we are of course available around the clock.
In addition, on the first evening after your operation, the doctor on duty will call you at home to enquire about how you are getting on.

Legal basis for outpatient surgery

Pursuant to Section 115b SGB V/1 (‘Outpatient surgery in hospitals’), the following was agreed by the German Federal Associations of Health Insurance Funds together with the German Hospital Federation or the Federal Associations of Hospital Operators together with the National Associations of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians:

  1. A catalogue of operations that can be performed on an outpatient basis and other procedures that render a stay on ward unnecessary,
  2. Uniform remuneration for hospitals and SHI-accredited physicians
  3. Measures of securing quality and cost-effectiveness

On the basis of the above, there are many urological examinations that can be performed exclusively on an outpatient basis.

Is it possible to perform outpatient surgery on children?

Since the 1990s, an increasing number of outpatient operations have been performed on children. This reduces the level of psychological stress on the child, and the recovery process in the home environment usually has less complications. We perform the most common urological operations on children in our day clinic on an outpatient basis (e.g. circumcision to treat phimosis (tightening of the foreskin), inguinal testicle operations, hydrocele surgery).
Here too we guarantee a high level of safety to our young patients.

Which urological operations are generally performed on an outpatient basis?

  • Sterilisation (vasectomy)
  • Ultrasonically controlled prostate punch biopsies with bladder endoscopy and sample taking from the bladder opening
  • Circumcision/frenulotomy)
  • Minor procedures conducted on the penis/scrotal skin, such as removal of a condyloma or sebaceous gland
  • Insertion, exchange or removal of a ureteral stent
  • Diagnostic ureteral endoscopy
  • Minor procedures conducted on the urethra, such as urethrotomy, expansion of the urethral opening, polyp ablation
  • Bladder endoscopy with sample taking from the bladder
  • Orchidopexy (fixing a testicle in the scrotum)

Important requirements of outpatient operations

  • You must not be suffering from any severe organic or psychological disorders; in particular, these must not have reappeared or be hitherto untreated.
  • You must not have any acute, infectious illness accompanied by fever.
  • You must have understood and comply with the recommended behaviour before and after an operation with regard to general or regional anaesthesia.
  • Please ensure that you are/your child is under constant supervision for 24 hours following the procedure. Please tell us in good time if you are unable to ensure such home supervision.
  • Owing to the after-effects of anaesthetics, painkillers and sedatives as well as other medications, you must wait at least 24 hours before being an active road user.
    Please note that on this day you will have reduced reactions and restricted ability to act with legal capacity.
  • Certain medications that affect blood clotting must (if reasonable) be terminated 7 days before the procedure. These include Aspirin (ASS), Marcumar and Plavix.
    Please ask your GP beforehand whether you may pause the blood-thinning medication and which medications are meanwhile being administered (e.g. Heparin shots).Diabetics should stop taking Metformin, where relevant, two days before the procedure.
  • In all cases, we require a referral from your attending urologist or GP.

How do I register?

Patient Management  »

We will then send you all the relevant documentation straightaway