
The team

The clinic



Urological Clinic Munich-Planegg

Emergency treatment

Our clinic provides 24-hour emergency consultation for patients with any health insurance.
During regular working hours, the full team is on duty at the urological clinic, while outside these hours, the assistant doctor on duty at the urological department takes care of emergency provision. Should patients require any emergency surgery, the senior urological doctor on duty as well as an anaesthesia specialist are both on call.

This means that only one doctor is on duty in the clinic outside regular working hours as well as at weekends and on holidays. The doctor on duty is responsible for both emergency outpatients as well as regular inpatients (approx. 60-70). We ask you for your understanding.

As emergencies are unpredictable, you should anticipate having to wait. Patients are seen in order of their arrival time but also in accordance with medical urgency. We would kindly ask you to understand, in the event that you have to wait for a long time.

You may call us for information at any time at +49 (0)89-85693-0. However, please understand that a doctor may not always be immediately available; however he will call you back as soon as possible.

What constitutes an acute emergency?

An acute emergency means that delaying treatment would result in a worsening of the patient’s condition. Examples are:

  • Acute, sustained bleeding from the bladder following an operation
  • Fever > 38.5°C (with ongoing chemotherapy > 38°C)
  • Acute complaints such as::
    • Kidney pain/ colics
    • Urine retention
    • Severe pain in the testicles
    • Increasing burning sensation when urinating

What does not constitute an acute emergency?

Occasional or non-severe complaints that have already existed for some time:

  • Light burning sensation when urinating
  • Occasional slight bloodiness in urine
  • Weak urine flow
  • Painless swelling of the testicles
  • Light reddening, spots or warts in the area of the genitals
  • Traces of blood in sperm.

We would however expressly point out that although the above do not represent acute emergencies, it is still necessary for you to undergo a urological examination to ascertain their cause, as they could be a sign of an impending severe illness. We would therefore ask you to arrange an appointment with an established urological specialist or in one of our consultation periods.

We would also ask you to clarify any outstanding medical findings and results of examinations as far as possible in normal working hours and to discuss them with the doctor who arranged the examination.

To arrange an appointment in the regular consultation period please call +49 (0)89-85693-2133 during regular working hours.