Urological Clinic Munich-Planegg

Quality report

As a hospital, we are legally obliged (under Section 137 SGB V), to compile a ‘structured quality report’ on an annual basis.

In this report, we provide information about our work and provide such details as the range of our diagnostics and treatments as well as our personnel and equipment.

The primary aim of such quality reports is to satisfy the patients’ enhanced need for information. The reports have a decision making function, especially in the run-up to treatment, which enables you to select the right hospital for your personal requirements.

We are aware that the content of such material is sometimes difficult to read; nevertheless, we wish to present you the details required by law in a form that is as clear as possible. In addition, we would like to invite you to convince yourself of the quality of our clinic on the following pages of our website.


Quality Report 2022

Structured Quality Report (PDF)

For the reporting year 2022
Pursuant to Section 137 Para. 3 Sentence 1 No. 4 SGB V

Urologische Klinik München-Planegg